»ok, so clealy, i love you guys enough to post these pics, lol. only cause i hate taking pics of the pudge. lol. anywho. so yes i have a pudge, it has always been there, rather small before karma, and kinda got a lil bigger after her. now i know its not all her fault like i said, stress adds onto that in the form food. so here are my before pics as well as my current measurements. enjoy, cause i will not be posting anymore of the pudge pics anymore, cause the next time you see it, it will be gone damnit! lol
»height; 4'11
»starting weight; 172.0 lbs. [ugh!]
»chestbust size; 42' , 42dd [yeah, hate havin big boobies]
»waist; 35.5'
»hips; 45' [do kinda wish i had a bigger butt, hell i like my booty]
»bmi; 34.8 % [that percentage isnt good.]
»idealistic weight for someone my height, medium frame; 126 lbs.
so, i guess 126 isnt that bad, im thinkin my first target weight goal will be 150, which means a 22lbs weight loss. not bad, and i do believe its realistic. i dont want to set a time limit, cause hell i could lose it all in a month, or sporadically in a 2 month period i dont know. but i do believe it to be realistic. my target weight goal; 130lbs + i want to maintain my hourglass shape and thickness. so here we go :)

» front view of the pudge also known as the muffin top, no lie, it kinda looks like im maybe 3.5-4 months preggo.not a good look when i go out, i usually wear one of those little girrdle thingies, love it to death! lol

so there you have it, i am more than determined to lose this weight you will see!
10 cmmnts:
girl I'm glad your following thru with this goal...
But us as black women, if we follow those weight charts we'll always be over weight...
im currently 25lbs over weight...
yeah, i told myself not to get hung up on the numbers, cause, differences in race, and genes and whatnot so i was like at least its kinda a guide. my target weight goal like i said is more or less, 130, and yet even then i would still be 6 lbs overweight. lol
my trick was not weighing myself until i saw changes, cause the next thing i knew i lose a lovely 20 lbs. but i really hope the best for u, i'm on team brand.new.me! GO TEAM!
You can do it girl!!
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Thanks alot
Ms. T
Girl I'm wit cha! I trying hard too. You've motivated me, tomorrow I'm going to work out!
Keep up the good work! I'm going to check back!
I commend you on what you are doing! Thanks so much for following me! I followed you back...looking forward to seeing more from you =)
luv the realness in yur blog.
glad yur following mine.
you are really great for blogging on this. major props (extra shout out for the "workout plan" as featured song).
best of luck with your goal girl. you'll get there for sure. just stick to it.
Girl you can do it I got total faith in you and honestly I think you look great still. Men love curvy. I may be 125lbs but I got the curvy in the right places if you know what I mean ;) I actually have a goal myself to shed about 5lbs this summer for vacation. Keep up the good work and thanks for followin me too!
Hey MiMi I just nominated you for a blog award :)
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