»ok, so clealy, i love you guys enough to post these pics, lol. only cause i hate taking pics of the pudge. lol. anywho. so yes i have a pudge, it has always been there, rather small before karma, and kinda got a lil bigger after her. now i know its not all her fault like i said, stress adds onto that in the form food. so here are my before pics as well as my current measurements. enjoy, cause i will not be posting anymore of the pudge pics anymore, cause the next time you see it, it will be gone damnit! lol
so, i guess 126 isnt that bad, im thinkin my first target weight goal will be 150, which means a 22lbs weight loss. not bad, and i do believe its realistic. i dont want to set a time limit, cause hell i could lose it all in a month, or sporadically in a 2 month period i dont know. but i do believe it to be realistic. my target weight goal; 130lbs + i want to maintain my hourglass shape and thickness. so here we go :)

so there you have it, i am more than determined to lose this weight you will see!